Clockwise Rotation Viewed from Drive End Rotation.
Overload Protection.
The close coupled compact, flexible design saves space, can be mounted horizontally or vertically, and simplifies maintenance.
Standard NEMA motors have stainless steel shaft and rugged ball bearing design for continuous duty under all conditions.
Superior, complete AISI 316L stainless steel liquid handling components and mounting bracket for corrosion resistance, quality appearance, and improved strength and durability.
Casing and adapter have NPT threaded centerline connections, easily accessible vent, prime and drain connections with stainless plugs.
Unique floating O-ring enclosed impeller design maintains maximum efficiencies.
High efficiency enclosed impeller with unique floating seal ring design maintains maximum efficiencies over the life of the pump without adjustment.
Casing and adapter features stainless steel construction with NPT threaded, centerline connections, easily accessible vent, prime and drain connections with stainless steel plugs. Optional seal face vent/flush available..
Standard John Crane Type 21 with carbon versus silicon-carbide faces, Viton elastomers, and 316 stainless metal parts. Optional high temperature and chemical duty seals available..