Time of day super capacitor backup for power loss.
2 line/ 16 character full text LCD backlit display.
Left arrow button allows digit selecting in programming mode.
Networks two to four valves via off-the-shelf CAT3, CAT5, or better cables.
Field-configurable for all system types.
LED Status indicator - Blue: In Service; Flashing Blue: Regeneration Queued; Green: Regeneration; Flashing Green: Standby; Red: Error with codes.
Programmable relay output, Programmable chemical pump output, Remote lockout and regen input.
Easy Installation with plug-in wiring harnesses.
Easy electronic programming.
Diagnostics are as folows Current Flow Rate, Peak Flow Rate (can be reset), Totalizer (can be reset), Hours Between Last Two Regenerations, Hours Since Last Regeneration, Volume Remaining (adjustable), Valve Address Software Version.
Last Chance ItemLast Chance
Input Voltage230 VAC
Suitable For Use With2750, 2850S, 2850, 2900S, 3150, 3900, 7000 (excludes system 14) Valves